About White Hawk

White Hawk is a blog where you will find the key principles and fundamental ideas to partake in your Self-Growth Journey. The page serves its purpose by empowering your inner state so you can work on becoming a better version of yourself.

I’d rather take zero credit for everything I write than continue to live without considering the number of people who are suffering emotionally and mentally. It breaks my heart the number of people in the world who don’t love themselves these days.

Why is it named White Hawk

At first, it was going to be named “White Dove” as a reference to the symbol of peace in the Christianism religion. The white symbolizes peace, as in being humble and altruistic. Willing to be vulnerable and valuing calm over chaos. That stays. “Dove”, however…

Thinking about powerful animals all the way from the tiger to the dragon, I finally decided on another bird: the HAWK. It is powerful and focused, intelligent and agile. The Hawk is determined, and won’t stop until it gets what he wants. Pure power. That’s more like it!

The combination of the generosity of “White” and the inner power of the “Hawk”. Yin and Yang. Fire and Water. The perfect balance.

Our Mission

Not everyone is born perfect. We all struggle in varying degrees some form of anxiety, worry, fear, insecurity, weakness, self-doubt… The list goes on. Suffering isn’t all there is to life. You chose to see a brighter path.

You being here grants you an opportunity to work on to becoming that 2.0 version of yourself where you get to achieve everything you wish to have; be it fulfilled relationships, money or simply feeling better and being more confident in all aspects of life.

This website follows three fundamental keys:

1. Reflection

Take time off to meditate on your morals and your core values. Learn from your Self and the important people in your life.

2. Discovery

Unlock true human potential and become a limitless being. Identify thought patterns that prevent us from reaching our goals.

3. Letting Go

Awaken to your True Nature by embracing your potential insecurities and weaknesses. Choose to accept them and work on improving them.

Our goal is to spread understandings of limiting beliefs so you can go the extra mile with your endeavor and Thrive. You have one shot in this life to make your dreams come true. Fear is a mind-killer.

I wish you the best in your path of Self-Growth. You might be starting right now. You might be already walking your path and you wish extra knowledge.

Whoever you are and what you’ve been through, I sincerely hope the contents of this website make some positive impact on your mindset, and I encourage you to never stop learning.

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